Hello and welcome to Splash of Keto! My name is Lisa and I’m so glad you’re here. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and join me in discovering and making delicious and wholesome comfort foods which are low carb and Keto.

I grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin; and when I was 9 years old, my mom gave me the choice of working in the barn or making “supper.” My love of cooking had begun! Some of my fondest childhood memories are of watching my grandma cook and bake meals from scratch, many of the ingredients having just been picked from her two acre garden.
I live in Colorado with my husband and best friend, Brian. We have two children, Rachael and Isaac, and we’ve homeschooled them from day one. I work two days a week as a nurse and love spending the rest of my time at home with my family and with our yellow lab, Abigail and our kitties, Ralph (King Ralph), Ivan (Tigger) and Ivy (Little Fluff). Above all, I love the Lord with all of my heart and strive to have all I say and do please and bring glory to Him.
My kids have been cooking and baking with me since they were so little they had to stand on stools to reach the counter! I started doing “cook-offs” with them when they were about ten. We’d pick a theme meal or a few main ingredients and then we’d all find our own recipes and cook up a feast together. Dad was the judge of the final dishes. As the kids grew older, they continued to have cook-offs and I became their delegated sous chef (my glorified name for assistant)!
I have struggled on and off for years with my weight. Standing an impressive four foot ten doesn’t help either when five pounds equals a dress size or two! In June, 2019, I started doing strict Keto. I studied up on every thing I could find about it and since day one I haven’t looked back. I had been doing Paleo so I had already cut out sugars and grains; but Keto was entirely different for me. Not only did I lose all the weight plus more (35 pounds in 6 months) that I wanted to, I also, almost immediately, felt better than I had in literally decades! It was as if a fog lifted from my brain and my energy levels skyrocketed. And all this occurred while I was eating incredibly wholesome, delicious, and completely satisfying foods. After experimenting and making Keto sweets and desserts, I have discovered a renewed love for baking and for enjoying healthy low carb goodies. I want to share these recipes with you and I invite you to join me as I also create new recipes, both savory and sweet, and always tried and tested to be delicious and the ultimate in wholesome comfort food!
When I have friends and family in my home, I want them to feel welcomed and at home, comfortable in every way. I want to assure they’re going to eat great foods prepared special for them, and that they’ll leave comforted and full…and also asking for recipes! I want you to experience exactly this when you visit me and my blog and when you try my recipes.